Logo der Gertrud und Hellmut Barthel Stiftung

The Gertrud and Hellmut Barthel Foundation has been supporting the Institute of Paper Technology (IVP), an affiliated institute at Munich University of Applied Sciences, for a long time. The Gertrud and Hellmut Barthel Foundation has become the largest and most important supporter of the IVP and thus directly of the paper technology course at Munich University of Applied Sciences, both in terms of the amount of funding and the consistency and reliability of its support. The Barthel Foundation is the corporate foundation of the HZI Group. In addition to the production of corrugated board and solid board at its headquarters, the paper and board mill in Varel / Germany, one of the largest locations in the European paper industry, the Group also produces packaging solutions, particularly for the food industry, at various locations in Germany. The foundation is therefore deeply rooted in the paper and packaging industry.

The funding of the foundation relates to measures that can not be covered by the state, such as the uncomplicated awarding of scholarships, support for excursions or semesters abroad, the promotion of investments for the benefit of education and the co-financing of employees to support education. All of this is implemented directly by the IVP and in 100% accordance to the desired goals.

Without the support of the Gertrud and Hellmut Barthel Foundation, it would not have been conceivable or possible to ensure such a comprehensive and in-depth education in this course of study over decades.


In Memoriam

Our thanks to Jürgen Evers

The Institut für Verfahrenstechnik Papier e.V. (IVP) mourns the loss of the former Chairman of the Board of the Gertrud and Hellmut Barthel Foundation, Mr Jürgen Evers. The former managing director and shareholder of Papier- und Kartonfabrik Varel passed away on 3 January 2024 at the age of 87.

With his tireless commitment and dedication, Jürgen Evers helped to shape Varel over several decades - as a visionary entrepreneur at Papier- und Kartonfabrik Varel and as a member of the Barthel Foundation's board. Even beyond the boundaries of his company, Jürgen Evers was a very well-known and highly esteemed personality in the paper industry who was involved in many areas.

With the death of Hellmut Barthel in 1999, Jürgen Evers also covered the responsibility for a meaningful funding practice of the Barthel Foundation. With foresight, vigour and a special feel for social issues, Jürgen Evers shaped and formed the Barthel Foundation for over 30 years as Chairman of the Board and Chairman of the Foundation. Thanks to his tireless commitment, the foundation grew to become a regionally and nationally recognised, significant and stimulating sponsor.

In addition to enriching cultural life in Varel, his commitment to environmental protection, monument conservation and social educational justice, Jürgen Evers has been instrumental in promoting training in the paper industry at Munich University of Applied Sciences for many years. This includes supporting our institute with donations as well as supporting a large number of students directly through scholarships during their studies.

In Jürgen Evers, we have not only lost the greatest supporter of our training programme, but also a kind, alert and helpful personality who will be greatly missed by us all. His commitment will continue to have an effect on our graduates and bear fruit, for which we are all grateful to him.