The new Book on Chemical Additives!

The Zellcheming Technical Committee on ‘Chemical Additives’ recently published the English book entitled “Chemical Additives for the Production of Pulp & Paper, Functionally Essential – Ecologically Beneficial” containing a selection of their world-class research on the role and merits of chemical additives in the paper industry. To the knowledge of the authors this is the world’s first book of it’s kind and addresses a real and pracital need that the authors have observed in the industry. The book is not available in stores and can only be ordered directly at Südost Verlags Service GmbH (S.V.S.), the address of which is listed below.

Book Chemical Additives for the Production

New Publication, incl. CD (ISBN: 978-3-86641-120-3)


Südost Verlags Service GmbH (S.V.S.)
Am Steinfeld 4
94065 Waldkirchen
Fax: +49 (0)8581-754